What's new this week?
Lent Season of Morning Prayer Continues
Two4Two - New Pictures
World Cafe
Second Responder Initiative
Food Pantry - Donations Needed
Sunday Morning Worship Service Information
Sunday Morning Worship Service Information
Learn more about LaRuta Campus Ministry in Montevideo,
Uruguay from David and Claudia Ossa
Youth Summer Service Trips
Youth Calendar
Crew456 Calendar
Updated Prayer List
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Lent Season of Morning Prayer
Weekday Mornings Through April 18
Join us for a short time of prayer each weekday morning during the Lent season. We meet in the Sanctuary at our Buffalo Campus. Prayer Guides and Collects are available here and at both of our campuses. If you are unable to attend in person, you can join us online on our Facebook page or follow along on your own.

Two4Two - You Can Still Register!
We had another great week of Two4Two! If you haven't registered already, you still can. We would love for you to join us!
Two4Two is our mid-week intergenerational gathering. If you have never participated in Two4Two, we highly recommend it! We start with a large group gathering in the sanctuary, then eat together, and finish up with some amazing classes. Save the dates on your calendar (8 Wednesdays beginning on March 12).
Click here to learn more and to register.
Menu: Salad Bar and Dessert included will all meals. Vegetarian and GF options available as needed.
- March 12 - Burrito Bowls
- March 19 - Chili
- March 26 - Baked Pasta
- April 2 - Chicken
- April 9 - Spaghetti
- April 16 - Nachos
- April 23 - Baked Potato Bar
- April 30 - Pizza
Class Offerings:
Preschool with Mrs. Laura
K-2 Build and Play
K-2 Craft and Play
3rd grade- Adults:
Chatty Crafties
Disc Golf
The Fiction Forge
Card Games
Spring Focus Canopy

World Café is a weekly event that provides a warm environment for international and local students to form friendships over games, snacks, and conversation, and we would love your help providing snacks! Our next World Café of the semester is Friday, April 4th! The Campus House is changing how they are doing things. They now ask us to deliver all snacks by Thursday at 4 PM, the day before the event. This will help them be better prepared each week. Please deliver all snacks to the ETSU Campus House at 829 W Pine St Thursday, April 3rd. Please avoid offering beef or pork products out of respect for the cultural heritage of some students.
If you are willing to help, contact Katy Woodward (katy@grandviewchristian.org) or Gerett Benjamin (gerett@grandviewchristian.org) and let us know what you will bring.

Youth Yard Sale - Coming Soon!
It's time to clean out your closets, attics, and garages. We will begin receiving donations on Monday, April 7.
We will need lots of volunteers! Click here to see how you can help out.
Yard Sale Hours:
Friday, April 11, from 7am-2pm
Saturday, April 12, from 7am-noon

Stations of the Cross - April 13
All are invited to come to our Cityview Campus anytime between 5:00-7:00pm for this self-paced experience.

Service of Darkness - April 17
All are invited to join us as we commemorate the final hours of Jesus as he goes to the cross. We will gather at our Buffalo Campus at 7pm. Childcare will be provided.

We look forward to celebrating this Easter with you. All are invited!
We are offering 4 services this year.
- 7am - Sunrise Worship Service at our Buffalo Campus
- 9:30am - Worship Service at our Buffalo Campus
- 10am - Worship Service at our Cityview Campus
- 11am - Worship Service at our Buffalo Campus

Second Responder Initiative
Last week, we were able to give ASP (Appalachia Service Project) a check for $50k from Grandview. This is enough money to build a new home! Your generosity and love is greatly appreciated.
ASP's goal is to build approximately 200 new homes. They are in the process of matching us with a household in our area. We will share more details when we have them.
Property Team Volunteers Needed
Springtime is upon us and the ongoing activity of maintaining our building and grounds is ramping up. The Property Team needs some additional volunteers, both men and women, to help with a variety of projects. Opportunities to serve in this manner range from single time tasks such as touch up painting or minor repairs, to occasional jobs like weeding and bush trimming or exterior window cleaning, to the most regular tasks of mowing and weed eating our lawns. If you are able to help on a one time, occasional, or more regular basis your volunteering would be most welcomed! Please contact the church office.

Food Pantry - Donations Needed
Our food pantry continues to see a steady stream of people needing food. Thank you to everyone who donates to keep this pantry operational. We are currently running low on the following items.
- Pasta noodles and sauce (sauce with meat is preferred)
- Cereal
- Canned or Powdered Milk
- Crackers
- Canned Fruit
- Spaghetti O's (or things like that)
Donations are always appreciated and can be placed in the bin located in the coat closet at our Buffalo Campus.
If you or someone you know is in need of food, our food pantry is open on Thursdays from 9-10am. If you would like more information, contact the church office.

Spring Focus
This spring in our canopies we will take 8 weeks to work through the question, What Now? If we want to be people who want to pattern our lives in the way Christ demonstrated, we want to create a space where we can talk about what we’ve learned from the Big Story of Scripture (our focus last fall) and how we put that good news into practice in our current reality.
We want to create spaces where we can hold loving conversations about how we live with an identity firmly rooted in Christ, yet engage the real world with genuine love and care. This semester, we want to respond to real world stuff from a Christlike perspective. So, here’s how we’re going to go about that -
Our staff & discipleship team have chosen 8 topics we want to talk about intentionally within our canopy spaces, 8 pieces of our current culture that we feel are worth our time to think deeply about and hold healthy, grace-filled, loving conversations together, so that we might make intentional, thoughtful choices and approaches to these topics that radiate the love of Christ and his good news as we engage with the culture we find ourselves in today. The topics include the following:

If you lead a canopy, we would like to invite you to a lunch we will host at the Buffalo campus on Sunday, March 3 at 12:15. If you're interested in joining a canopy, reach out to Katy@grandviewchristian.org or Evan@grandviewchristian.org for more details.

Grandview Library
The Grandview library, located in the cozy Fireside Room at our Buffalo Campus, offers books and dvds for all ages.
Currently the library is featuring books to supplement the topics covered in Two4Two. Look for the blue Two4Two signs. Also featured are new books in the fiction section.

2024 Giving Statements
Please check your email and download your 2024 giving statement. This will save the church money on postage, and you will get your statement much quicker.
If you need a printed copy, contact the church office and we can print one for you.
Life at Grandview Form
Are you hoping to get better connected here at Grandview?
Great community is vital in the life of the church, and we want to help you take an easy first step to get connected more deeply.
Looking for a canopy? Want to learn more about one of our ministries? Hungry to find ways to serve or give back? Need to update your contact information?
Click here and fill out the Life at Grandview Form. This link is also available on our Linktree (that QR code on your weekly bulletin at the Buffalo Campus), on our Church Center App, and on our social media platforms.

Morning Worship Service
Sunday, March 30
Turning - Thomas: A Doubter Repents
Aaron Wymer
First Reading: John 20:26-29
Sermon Text: John 20:24-25
Music During Worship Services
Buffalo 9:30
Living Waters - Ed Cash | Kristyn Getty
I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) - Kauflin | Merker | Getty | Townend
I Believe - Charity Gayle
Better Word - Leeland Mooring
Buffalo 11:00
Living Waters - Ed Cash | Kristyn Getty
I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) - Kauflin | Merker | Getty | Townend
My Savior's Love #478
Youth Band at Our Buffalo Campus
Join us this Sunday, as our Youth Band leads us in worship.

Morning Worship Service
Sunday, March 30
Turning - Thomas: A Doubter Repents
Nathan Cachiaras
First Reading: John 20:26-29
Sermon Text: John 20:24-25
Music During Worship Service
Cityview 10am
Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor - Matthew Boswell | Matthew Papa
Give Me Faith - Chris Brown | London Gatch | Mack Brock | Wade Joye
New Wine - Brooke Ligertwood
Christ Is Lower Still - Dominique Jones | Isaac Wardell | Kate Bluett | Matt Maher

This is the last week with our Mission of the month Emphasis being the LaRuta Campus Ministry in Montevideo, Uruguay. This is a CMFI Global scope mission, and our missionary partners are David and Clau Ossa. Grandview “interviewed” David about their mission….
Grandview: Grandview wants to know what to pray for concerning your work there. Would you share some of the challenges this year has brought you?
This might be one of the most challenging years so far. At the end of last year, we had three teammates coming to the end of their commitment, which means that this year I (David) will be the only full-time staff and will be joined by Rachel (who has a two-year-old and a 6-month-old baby) and Clau -who primarily takes care of our three children. Having three teammates leaving impacts our ministry budget, because now ministry expenses will be divided into our two accounts. We will need to be creative about what the ministry will look like this year, as we seek to be good and wise stewards of the resources God has and will provide. It is a time of a lot of change and challenges, but also of so much trust and hope. We know that La Ruta is not our ministry, but God’s, and we are confident that God will provide… not what we think we need, but what the students need, so they can experience His life-changing love. That said, join us in prayer for peace of mind, joy and wisdom during these challenging times.
Grandview: Give us some idea of your future plans.
David: We are committed to stay here in Uruguay, working at La Ruta at least until the end of 2026. We don’t know where God will take us after that, but right now we feel called to stay here.
Clau has also been collaborating with the former team leader of Georgia Tech’s Christian Campus Fellowship (and founder of Global scope) in a project that seeks to teach, inspire and empower ministers all around the world. This has been a blessing for her, as being able to be fully present and participate in La Ruta events while caring for our three children has been challenging. In this endeavor she has found a way to dream and use her creative gifts in a whole different way that is much more compatible with our current family/work setting, so we are very excited about that as well!

Learn More About our Missions Ministry Team
Grandview's Missions Ministry Team facilitates on-going relationships between our Grandview family and the missionaries/missions that we support as well as emphasizing the importance of missions in general. We host missionaries, plan events, learn about our mission partners, manage the Vision Fund (see below), oversee the Grandview Missions budget, and pray for God’s work around the world. New team members are welcome. Many opportunities for service are available. Please email Richard Phillips (2025 team leader) for more information about joining the team, to request long-term or short-term support, or to receive a current mailing list of our missionaries so that you can send cards and/or packages to them.
Click here to learn more about the Missions and Missionaries that we support.

College Age Lunch
Who doesn't like a free lunch? Check out the schedule below. This is a great way to get to know others at Grandview better. There is no sign up needed!
Mark you calendars for the following College Age Lunches:
April 27 - Red Meze

Riverwood Service Trip - Sign Up Now
Students completing 6-8th grade are invited to the Riverwood Service Trip & Dollywood, June 2-6th! The cost is $100 plus money for two meals on the road. (Deduct $50 if you have a Dollywood season pass, but don’t forget to bring it with you!) The cost of the trip is heavily subsidized by money raised by youth fundraisers. All forms and payment should be submitted by May 1st.
Click here to sign up.
Englewood Service Trip - Sign Up Now
Students completing 9-12th grade are invited along for our Englewood Service Trip, June 14-21st! The cost is $220 plus four meals on the road. The cost of the trip is heavily subsidized by money raised by youth fundraisers. All forms and payment should be submitted by May 1st.
Click here to sign up.
Grandview Youth Calendar
The calendar is live on the youth website! You can always find our most updated calendar at www.grandviewchristian.org/youthcalendar.

Youth Canopies - Sunday Nights
Join us from 5-6:30pm at our Buffalo Campus. Canopies (our small groups) are divided by age and gender and led by an intergenerational team of adults in our church. You will enjoy a variety of playing games, eating snacks, discussing life's big questions, and just hanging out.
Crew456 Calendar
Click here to access our calendar and to learn more about our Crew456 events. If you have any questions, contact Leah or Molly. Crew456 events are open to all 4th-6th graders.
Sunday March 2 - Regular Canopies
Sunday March 9 - Regular Canopies
Wednesday March 12 - Two4Two Starts
Sunday March 16 - Night of Service
Sunday March 23 - Regular canopies
Sunday March 30 - Super Sunday
Sunday April 6 - Regular Canopies
Sunday April 13 - Canopies: Stations of the Cross
Sunday April 20 - No Canopies/ Happy Easter!
Sunday April 27 - Night of Service
Wednesday April 30 - Last Two4Two
Sunday May 4 - Super Sunday/ Last Canopy
What is a Canopy?
In an amazing natural phenomenon called “canopy shyness,” trees in some forests grow in patterns that allow light to permeate the forest below. The whole forest can be healthy and grow together by keeping space in the canopy. This is the idea behind Canopy at Grandview.
Our Canopies are small groups who come together once a week, every other week, or once a month. Whatever your fancy, there is a Canopy group for you. Let us help you get connected into an existing Canopy or help you start a new one. For more information, contact Katy Woodward.
Canopy Groups
Here is a list of some of our current Canopy Groups. If you would like to join a canopy or get more information about our canopies, fill out our Life at Grandview Form.
Tuesday Women's Bible Study Group
This group of ladies gathers to study the Bible, pray together, and stay connected to one another.
They meet every Tuesday from 2-3:30pm in the Virginia Street Room. All women are welcome to join them.
Calling Group
This group serves Grandview’s shut-ins, those in the hospital, and those in need of pastoral care. They meet at our Buffalo Campus each Tuesday morning at 9:45am. This is a great way to meet new people and care for others. New members are always welcome.
Widows Might
All widows are invited to participate in this canopy. They meet once a month usually for an activity, lunch, and fellowship. For more information, or if you need a ride, contact the church office.
We had a good time hanging out and planning some fun gatherings this past Monday. We hope you can join us for the following gatherings!
April 21 - We will meet at Yvonne Marr's home at 11:30am for a movie day! Wear your pj's (if you want to) and bring a snack to share. Movie is yet to be determined.
Faith in Living - Adult Sunday School Class
The Faith in Living class meets at 10:45 am in the Grandview Room at the Buffalo Campus. All are welcome to join them!
March 23 - Judge Others as You Judge Yourself - Matthew 7:1-6,12;Luke 6:37-38 - Doug Fox
March 30 - Settle Offenses Face to Face - Matthew 18:15-17 - David Roberts
April 6 - Choose a Lower Seat - Luke 14:22-31;Matthew 23:12 - David Roberts
April 13 - Forgive Without Counting - Matthew 18:21-35;Luke 17:3-4 - Phyllis Fox
April 20 (Easter) - Was the Resurrection a Surprise? - Matthew 16:21-23, 17:22-23, 20:17-19; Mark 10:32-34, 16:8; Luke 18:31-34, 24:1-12 - David Roberts
S.A.L.T. Class - Adult Sunday School Class
All are welcome to join them at 9:30 am in the Virginia Street Room.
March - Ted Thomas - A Tale of Two Cities: The Concurrent Ministries of Jeremiah in Jerusalem and Ezekiel in Babylon
April - David Chapman - An Overview of the Book of Colossians
May - Susan Higgins - Anthropology and the Mission of the Church
Church and Community - Adult Sunday School Class
All are welcome to join them at 9:30 am in the Stone-Campbell Room. This class studies books of the Bible.
Morning Prayer - Weekdays at 7am
Join us online each weekday morning for Morning Prayer. We are live at 7am on our Grandview Facebook page or you can watch at your convenience anytime.
Prayer and Care
We have an online prayer chain to help us pray for the needs of Grandview's members, attenders, and those who are connected to them. If you are not already part of this group and would like to participate, contact the church office (call: 928-7866 or email: office@grandviewchristian.org).
Prayer List: This week we are in prayer for . . .
Lisa Althaus’ sister (colon cancer and other health issues)
Samuel Arnold (ongoing health issues)
Larry Bell (Gary Boone's friend - cancer)
Dianna Breeden (Beth Kilgore's mom, Guillain-Barre syndrome)
Willy Buckner (ongoing health issues)
Carla (friend of the Keelings - lung cancer)
Shelley Coonan (Rebecca Lockridge's aunt - cancer)
Wayne Dykstra (Kimberly Johnson's father fell and broke 3 ribs)
Anna (Allman) Ellis (recovery from surgery)
Vickie Emery (friend of Lucy and Dick Phillips - cancer)
Sue Havola-Bruns (healing after pacemaker - March13)
Treavor Hayes (ongoing health issues)
Carol Houze (Bob Bruns's sister - recovering from Covid)
Don & Connie Humston (friends of Carol Garrison - Don has dementia & Parkinson's)
Graham Jones (former Grandview member - cancer)
Janet Katelouzos (Angela Keeling's sister - sarcoidosis of the lungs)
Barbara Leah (staying with Cindy and Aaron - continuing to recover)
Brett McKie (breast cancer - chemo)
Carla McKinney (recovery after shoulder surgery)
Karen Mustain (friend of Carol Garrison - breast cancer)
Lee Nakoff (Keith's step-mother - recovery and physical therapy)
Lexanne Redman (friend of Carol Garrison - recovery from craniotomy)
Nancy Smith (chemo)
Rich Spurgin (ongoing health issues)
Barbara Stokes (ongoing health issues)
Betty Taber (recovery and pt after hip surgery)
Those affected by the flooding
Those needing the gospel
Family/Friends in Military
James Dollard
Chris Smith
Dustin Horton
Ian Frazier
Jonathan Spitznas
Elijah (Katherine (Allan) Roshak's brother in-law) started boot camp in February
Jim Wise passed away on March 21. Prayers for his family are appreciated. His funeral will be tomorrow (Saturday, March 29) at our Buffalo Campus.
Receiving of Friends at 10am
Funeral at 11am
Graveside at 12:30pm
Click here for his obituary.
If you would like to place your own or another name on this weekly prayer list, you may call the church office (928-7866) or talk to one of the ministry staff. Names will remain on the list for 4 weeks unless a request is made that they remain on the prayer list.
For those who want to listen to Grandview sermons on the go, they're now available as podcasts--one for the Buffalo Campus and one for the Cityview Campus. Check them out! New sermons will be added every Wednesday.
You can find the podcasts on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, and a variety of other outlets. If you can't access them on your podcast app of choice, please let the church office know.
Buffalo Sermons
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/yy86lx4s
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/yyq3jvso
Google Play: https://tinyurl.com/y5paj45x
Cityview Sermons
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3lj35f2
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y65k6alw
Google Play: https://tinyurl.com/y59xz6s2
We are excited to share with you the following ways to give. If you have any questions, you can contact the church office or our Treasurer - Brandon Rogers.
Use the Church Center App: Download from Google Play or Apple App Store. (Links at https://churchcenter.com) At bottom of screen, click the Give button. Give to your choice of funds, as one-time gifts, or schedule recurring gifts, using a debit/credit card or directly from your bank account (ACH). If you want to “split” your gift between two or more funds, you will need to Give Online or Text-To-Give (See next two items below)
Give Online (Church Center): Go to https://grandviewchristian.churchcenter.com/giving. This is the same Church Center App but viewed online as a webpage. You can give in the same ways described above. And here you can split your gift between two or more funds, easily.
Text-To-Give (Church Center): Text the “$” dollar amount you want to give to “84321” and you will get a reply text link to Church Center’s web page allowing you to give in the same ways described above. Give to a specific fund, or split funds in your text message. (For example, to give $40 Total by giving $10 to each online fund, you would text “$10 Buffalo $10 Cityview $10 Unreachable $10 Partnership”) You can use the “bolded” words as shown in the example for the funds, or else you will have to type the full fund names as shown below.
Available Funds for Online Electronic Giving:
General-Fund-Buffalo - For discretional spending for Buffalo Campus, per budget. Used where needed most.
General-Fund-Cityview - For discretional spending for Cityview Campus, per budget. Used where needed most.
Unreachable-Capital-Campaign - Established to pay off Church Mortgage, launching Cityview, and other improvements.
Partnership-Fund - Separate Fund for privately and confidentially helping members and others in need.
If you need help with anything above, or want to give electronically to a fund not listed above, or if you want to give electronically in memory of a member who as passed away, please contact the Church Treasurer, Brandon Rogers, for assistance at treasurer@grandviewchristian.org.
FREE Electronic ACH Giving / Covering Credit Card Costs (Optional): In the past, members asked to “voluntarily” cover credit card gift costs which was hard to do as costs were variable. Now, costs are lower & fixed, so you can easily elect to cover those costs just by checking a box when giving. Totally Optional! If you do so, the extra amount is added to your gift. The net gift amount appears on all receipts & statements.
***Checking account (ACH) gifts are essentially FREE to Grandview***The actual cost paid is $0.30 cents per gift (less than a postage stamp), and you can optionally cover that cost if you wish. If you do not, a donor has pledged to cover, on behalf of Grandview, all the $0.30 cent fees for any ACH gifts on Church Center. The anonymous donor wants all electronic Church Center checking account (ACH) giving to be free to both Grandview and you!
Church Center / Deductible Giving only / Receipts: All Church Center electronic giving is for gifts only. You may pay electronically for any non-tax-deductible payments for Two4Two, Youth trips, or Children’s events, as part of the registration process for those events. A donation receipt is automatically emailed when your gift is processed (even cash or checks.) You can toggle that receipt feature on and off in the app (or online). If you need any assistance with any of the above, please contact the Treasurer.
Cash and Checks are always welcome in the offering plate/giving boxes. You can split your gift between funds with a memo field note, or with separate checks, whichever you personally prefer.
Important notes: When writing a check to the Capital Campaign, please write “Unreachable” or “Campaign” in the memo field. If you write “Cityview” in the memo, your gift will be allocated to the Cityview General Fund. All checks should be payable to “Grandview Christian Church,” not payable to any fund or campus. Please do not mail cash anywhere! And do not mail checks to the Treasurer’s home address or any other staff member’s home address.
If you desire to mail a check, please mail to:
Grandview Christian Church
Attention: Brandon Rogers
300 University Parkway
Johnson City, TN 37604
Feel free to contact the church office at 928-7866 or office@grandviewchristian.org if you have any questions or concerns you would like to share with us. You can also reach out to our staff members directly by emailing to their first name followed by @grandviewchristian.org.
Aaron Wymer, Senior Minister
Heather Lawson, Executive Minister
Brett Hyder, Worship Minister
Cody Mudrack, Livestream Technician
Katy Woodward, Discipleship Minister
Leah Short - Children's Minister
Joy Eden, Youth and College Minister
Noah DeLong, Choir Director
Brenda Money, Office Administrator
Brent Nipper, Business Administrator
Nathan Cachiaras, Campus Minister
Joy Eden, Youth and College Minister
Evan Magness, Worship Minister
Luke Floyd, Worship Minister
Molly Dines, Children's Minister
Gerett Benjamin
Maci Hart
2025 Elders
David Chapman
Phyllis Fox
Tim Bomgardner
Theresa Garbe
Lane Owen
Buddy Swain
Jane Allman
Brent Nipper
2025 Ministry Team Leaders
Craig Hardy - Property Team
Dick Phillips - Missions Team
Cindy Wymer - Connections Team
Cindy Schade - Connections Team
Melissa Reading - Fellowship Team
Beth Smith - Staff Relations Team
Becky Allsop - Partnership Fund
2025 Trustees
Steve Knudsten
Neal Voke
Jerry Banner
Scott Dines
2025 Treasurer
Brandon Rogers
Daniel Swain (Assistant Treasurer)