Fall Focus 2024

The Big Story

We have been invited to participate in the greatest story ever told. It’s more than a “Once upon a time” kind of story, it’s THE story – the true story of God and how he has written a story of love that extends far beyond the horizon of time as we know it. Over the course of this semester, we are going to explore that story as one big, beautiful, narrative. The Bible holds this narrative, and we could think of no better way to share a semester together than to explore this big text in its fullness and examine how we have been invited into the text as people who both live in and live out this story. Whether you have a lot of Biblical knowledge tucked into your beautiful mind or are just starting to explore this text, we guarantee there is more to learn together as we work as the Church to continue learning, living, and telling this story.

If you aren’t connected with a canopy yet and would like to join a group, please email Katy@grandviewchristian.org

Fall Focus 2024 – Canopy Guides & Video Intros

Click Here for the Full YouTube Playlist

Week 1: Longing & Hope – Why This Story?

Week 1 Video Intro

Week 1 Canopy Guide Download

Week 2: Creation & Purpose – The Story Begins

Week 2 Video Intro

Week 2 Canopy Guide Download

Week 3: Rebellion & Failure – The Story’s Downfall

Week 3 Video Intro

Week 3 Canopy Guide Download

Week 4: God’s Faithfulness in the Midst of Brokenness

Week 4 Video Intro

Week 4 Canopy Guide Download

Week 5: Incarnation – The Word Made Flesh

Week 5 Video Intro

Week 5 Canopy Guide Download

Week 6: Redemption – The Turning Point

Week 6 Video Intro

Week 6 Canopy Guide Download

Week 7: The Church Through History – Good News Travels

Week 7 Video Intro

Week 7 Canopy Guide Download

Week 8: Vocation in the Kingdom – The Continuing Story and Your Role In It

Week 8 Video Intro

Week 8 Canopy Guide Download