2024 Riverwood Trip

Students completing 6-8th grade are invited to the Riverwood Service Trip & Dollywood, June 3-7th! The cost is $100 plus money for two meals on the road. (Deduct $50 if you have a Dollywood season pass, but don’t forget to bring it with you!) The cost of the trip is heavily subsidized by money raised by youth fundraisers. 

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Promotion Sunday

At the beginning of the school year Grandview kids and youth are promoted to their new grade in Sunday School and other church activities. On Promotion Sunday, students should plan to move into their new grade, which may mean a new classroom. Contact Leah, Joy or Molly with help navigating Promotion Sunday! See this event…

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Englewood Summer Service Trip

Students completing 9-12th grade are invited along for our Englewood Service Trip, June 15-22nd! The Englewood community of Indianapolis is home to the Englewood Church, Englewood Community Development Corporation (ECDC), Daystar Childcare and the Englewood Review of Books. Each of these organizations are providing vital and thoughtful services to their community. Grandview Youth are fortunate to be able to partner with them to support their efforts to provide affordable housing, quality and affordable childcare, community learning resources and a community-focused church life. Youth will spend a week cleaning, landscaping, learning from, and connecting with the folks who lead and the folks who benefit from these services.

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Riverwood Summer Service Trip

Each summer, students completing 6-8th grade are invited to the Riverwood Service Trip & Dollywood! The Riverwood Service Trip is an opportunity to for youth to spend time serving, playing games and laughing with the residents of the Riverwood Community, a residential facility for folks with mental handicaps located right outside of Knoxville. Our service…

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Rake-O-Rama is a day of raking leaves for those unable in our community and at night we enjoy a sleepover and tons of games and snacks at the church.

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Youth Band

The Grandview Youth Band is made up of vocalists, guitarist, pianists and drummers who love to play and worship!

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Remind App

The primary mode of communication that we use as a youth group is the Remind App. Get connected on Remind for the latest information.

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